ALL EVENTS: Lewis and Clark College * 0615 S.W. Palatine Hill Road * Portland, OR


The JamBallah NW mission is to celebrate all facets and faces of the bellydance community, together in a chic, inclusive atmosphere. We believe in supporting experimentation on the edges of fusion, while maintaining a strong respect and connection to the stylistic and cultural roots of belly dance (and everything in between.) We believe in promoting education, discussion, and self-reflection to strengthen our worldwide community.

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We want YOU to feel welcomed and supported! Feel free to email jamballahnw@gmail.com or use the anonymous 'contact us' form on the site at any time to let us know how we can do this better.

Where do I find the application form for Vendors, Performance, Volunteers? Are you still taking applications?

Here they are! When you open them, the applications will say whether they're on waitlist or not. You're always welcome to fill one out anyway. Vendor and performance applications tend to be set in Feb-April, and the volunteer list tends to be set in May-June.


LODGING questions:

ALL REGISTERED LODGERS WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITH LODGING INFORMATION AND CHECK-IN PROCEDURES. If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder, and if it’s still not there please email us.

Can I buy an ad in the program?

At this time, we do not put out a printed program. However, we do have several avenues of sponsorship that include perks and cross-promotion opportunities, including Facebook posts, logo/promo placement on the website, on the JBNW promotional materials, vending space and banners onsite.

Cash support to benefit our Community Scholarship fund. We are fiscally sponsored by two 501c3s, so your donation will be tax-deductible. Please email jamballahnw@gmail.com for more information.


I'm a photographer! Can I come take photos at the event?

Photography/videography of shows and workshops is not allowed, unless you have written permission from the festival producer, Elise (me!) I believe strongly that live performances should be enjoyed with the attention they deserve, so I work with a cadre of local pro photogaphers to capture the event so the audience members can sit back and enjoy the show. Please email me if you would like to request permission to shoot one of the shows, even just for a friend, jamballahnw@gmail.com.

How do I purchase tickets for the JamBallah Showcase or other shows/parties/workshops?

Newsletter subscribers are given first notice of exact dates, along with discount codes and other perks. Showcase tickets go on sale in May, workshop tickets go on sale in Jan or Feb each year.

Additionally, our Showcases page has information on all the parties, shows and performances.  Join the Newsletter for discout codes to the JamBallah Showcase Nights I and II! 

If you are an international attendee and the system errors out on you, please email me at jamballahnw@gmail.com with your list of classes/shows and I will add you manually. Thanks for understanding!


I bought a ticket, and now I can't make it OR I want to attend a sold-out class.

Though we have a strict no-refunds policy on workshop and ticket purchases, fear not! We encourage folks to visit our Facebook group here, devoted to helping class passes find new owners. If you're wanting to attend a class that is sold out, check there first, and if you don't get any bites try just showing up that day. Often, we'll have no-shows at classes and are able to let a few folks in at the door. Another trick for either buying or selling is to post on your personal page, mark it as a 'public' post, and tag @Jamballahnw in the post- that has a higher chance of folks spotting it.


Do you know future dates yet?

For the first 9 years, JamBallah NW was held on one of the first two weekends in August annually. Nowadays, those dates are not available at the venue so we’ll be going with whatever weekend they give us.

Where do I register for classes?  

Once registration opens, look for the Buy Tickets Buttons throughout the site, or click on the Workshops tab in the navigation bar.

Be the first to know when registration starts, and be the first to get the links by signing up for the Newsletter.


Where are the workshops / shows / vending located?

Lewis & Clark College / 0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd, Portland, OR 97219

Where do I park?

Parking is free at Lewis and Clark. There are many parking lots about campus, marked on the map with yellow circles.

Reserved parking spaces for disabled visitors are available on all campuses. Campus Safety can assist in locating a space.

Covered bike parking is available at J.R. Howard Hall, Templeton Campus Center, and Watzek Library.


Help, I can't afford to come!

You should definitely apply for the JamBallah Community Scholarship (form coming soon)! The community scholarship was started in '16 as a way to make workshops accessible for dancers whose financial situations might not allow them to attend. Anyone is welcome to apply, and all are invited to donate a few dollars to the cause during check out. Together we can make a difference!

We also encourage dancers to connect to share carpooling and couchsurfing networking on our JamBallah NW Facebook Page.


How do I know if a workshop is the right level for me?  

Most of our classes are structured to be suitable for a wide range of skill and experience levels, from beginning to advanced dancers.  We have tried to add any level considerations to the workshop descriptions. If you're just starting out you will definitely be challenged in many of the workshops, but we encourage folks to try it anyway! This is a supportive, fun environment to push your limits and training. For advanced-level dancers who want a more intense experience, please check out our series of 3hr Advanced Classes, which are for advanced students and professional performers. Classes marked as INT/ADV will have a high focus on technique and quicker presentation of material. Lecture and hands-on classes are of course open to anyone and everyone, with absolutely zero dance experience required.


Can I sign up to perform at the festival?  


JamBallah NW has several shows, and features attendees in each one. Spot availability is filled on a first-come first-served basis, and all levels are welcome to apply from pro to student. Please see Perform! link above for more info, and sign up for the Newsletter to get the application as it's released each year, as well as special discount codes to the JamBallah Showcases.

All shows are all-ages. Children under 10 free at Festival Shows.


I would love to come and teach!  Are you accepting instructor applications?  

I would love to hear from you!  Please email me directly at jamballahnw@gmail.com with your instructor packet. I generally build and finalize the instructor list in Sept-Oct each year, but am happy to take inquiries outside of those dates and I do keep a running file of folks interested in future consideration. A disclaimer-- there's SO much incredible talent out there, it's impossible to fit in everyone I'd like to every year. Instructor selection is based in part on teaching/performing experience, availability, and distinction in the bellydance community. However, it is also heavily influenced by portrayal of a clear and unique style that fits well with the other styles offered that year, as well as a strong commitment to integrity and respect for our roots and diversity in the dance world. We will be offering a range of different instructors every year.


How large will the classes be?  Will I be able to see/hear the instructor?

We are adamantly against huge class sizes, where participants feel like one in a sea of faces. No classes will have more than 40 participants, the INT/ADV classes are capped at 25.


Still have questions?  Please contact us and we'll do our best to answer!

UNMATA! JamBallah NW 2019, photo by Casey Campbell Photography

UNMATA! JamBallah NW 2019, photo by Casey Campbell Photography